Cen-Tex Insurers is an independent, full-service insurance agency representing top rated carriers.  This allows our team to find the right solution to meet your needs.

Why get an insurance quote from just one insurer, when you can get a quote from the best of them?

Buying insurance is complicated. Think about it, when was the last time you bought insurance. Did you go with the lowest price, a friend’s recommendation, or did you just go with whatever you happened to see on TV? 
How do you know if you got the right one or the right type of insurance for your needs?
Cen-Tex Insurers isn’t stuck to a particular insurance company meaning we can give you real time quotes from multiple insurance companies based on your specific needs.
We’re here to help just like your last insurance agent. We’re just not stuck to a particular brand or company so you get more personalized insurance from a non-biased source. This time it’s all about you.